Green Atlantic Grain Burning Stove  What you  need to know

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Top Questions to Ask Before Buying a Grain Stove

1. Was the stove designed to run on straight grain?

Many Companies are trying to convert wood pellet stoves to burn grain, or a grain wood mix.

The Countryside is designed to burn 100 percent grain. (first appliance to be certified for grain)

2. Does the stove have a "Self Cleaning Burn Pot"?

Some stoves have manually cleaned burn pots that need daily cleaning for continued use. The Countryside had the first self-cleaning burn pot on the market.

3. If the stove has an electronic igniter, will it start grain?

Many companies have igniters for wood pellets stoves, but they will not work on grain only.

Is it guaranteed to start every time and if so, what is the cost to operate the igniter? Green Atlantic believes that it is more important to save our natural resources than to have extra cost of operation to light the fire.

            4. Will the stove operate for over 50 hours on a fill of grain?

Many stoves do not have the capacity to operate for the whole weekend. The Countryside has a large 80 pound capacity hopper.

5. Does the stove have electronic safety features?

Features such as: Low temp and high temp auto shutdown, lid open safety switch, auto switching on high fuel setting. Countryside has all of this and more.

6. Does the stove use stainless steel in the fire area?

Many stoves use ordinary carbon steel, not stainless. The Countryside has stainless heat exchangers, firepots and other areas to protect your investment.

7. How long has the other stove been out on the market?

There are lots of companies trying to copy what we have been doing for 18 years.

8. Does the stove you're looking at have backup electrical capabilities?

The Countryside is set up from the factory ready for adding on a back up system.

9. Who will be taking care of you after the sale?

American Energy Systems has been around for 30 years and still growing.

10. How many fuels is the stove tested and certified to burn?

Corn, barley, wheat, oats, wood pellets, paper pellets, cherry pits, and other fuels to come.

11. Can the stove burn high ash fuels?

The Countryside has always been able to burn high ash content fuels.

            12. What are the side and rear clearances?

The Countryside is cool to the touch on the top, sides and back with a 1" clearance.

Looks like the right choice is Countryside! Come join the AES Family of Hearth products

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