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Harvest came fast enough with the canola swathing first. A nice Thick crop made it a bit challenging but with cooler weather we had a nice window to get it done.

We tried winter wheat on 35 acres, and we had a good crop of 64 bpa.

At  Harvest we had Marco from Holland help us. He was in charge of the trucking to the yard or elevator. With our very good yields it was a challenge for him to come back on time before the combine would overfill. Driving along the combine with a semi is not a task that just anybody can do, and he did great with it.

The yields were 36 bpa for canola, 46 for spring wheat, 62 for Durum and 32 bpa for peas. A tremendous harvest with a bit of a disappointment for peas.

During the summer, I traded our John Deere seeder for a Seed-master seeder, as the former was maintenance intensive and did not seem to give the best results in Canola. The new seeder is 45' instead of 30'. I seeded about 300 acres of winter wheat. I also did a 35 acre experiment of winter canola that emerged just great.

2005 was a very good production year maybe the best this area has ever seen. However commodity prices are about the lowest as well. This is not providing a recovery out of 2004. However the stove business is giving some good hope for the future.

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