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Winter 2004-05 was fairly normal with adequate snow cover from December to the end of March. Since the market was flooded with grain, not a whole lot got moved till later spring.

With all the moisture we had in 2004, when the snow melted it left behind some oversized water puddles we call sloughs. Some we actually pumped out to be able to farm them later. I dad ditched some of the sloughs out in the fall and it proved to work well

This year we had an exchange Ag trainee named Sebastien he was with us from the end of April till the end of June. He plans to start farming in France in 2006. He was very good help.

We started seeding Mai the 3rd with Peas, then Canola then Barley Durum and Wheat. This year we applied our nitrogen fertilizer in liquid form pulling a liquid cart behind the seeder. It just about doubles the capacity of the seeder to about 60 acres between fills. The down side is it makes the unit les maneuverable.

Some areas that "looked dry" were not so after all. Sebastien and I had the unpleasant surprise to get stuck. It can take as little as 30 minutes but it also took us up to 5 hours to pull everything out

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